Saturday, January 26, 2008

Days in the lives of the Banks

Today we went to Old Town to celebrate the anniversary celebration of the Mormon Battalion. It was a really impressive event. They had all these little booths set up to try and give the children an idea of what it was like back then. They made little cloth doll, learned to tie rope, made brick, made quits/stitched heart, washed laundry, dug for gold, dressed up in there pioneer clothing, made biscuits on a stick, and much more. We met up with a few families from our ward. It was such a fun education event.

Yesterday was such a great day. Brett had the day off, which as he put it, it became my day off. I got to go for a awesome beautiful bike ride. Then my good friend Vicky watched the kids while Brett and I went to the temple. ( This was the first time we have been able to go since we moved here). Then we went to lunch. Then later that night I went out with my girlfriends to have a baby shower for my girlfriend Melissa. (Unfortunately you can't even see her cute face in this picture). We went to this yummy restaurant in Old Town San Diego. It was a fun time, and it was so fun to just be out on the town with the ladies. Anyways, so now you can see why it was such a wonderful "me" day.

Here is my dinner party friends again, and here are all the babies. It is amazing us women can get anything done with fifteen kids totally between us all, but we managed to all take home five meals, get lunch done for all the kids, and this time we had a birthday party for my good friend Audra. We did all of this in three hours. It is a fun and productive time. :)

Here is the girls and my boys hanging out after church. My mom got them the cutest heart dresses. I thought I could get a good picture of them, but my kids are so tired and not very cooperative after church. SO this is as good as it gets. Hopefully, before Valentines day I can capture how cute they really look in their dresses.

The girls started a little dance class with some of our friends out here. It was seriously SOOOO cute to see so many little girls in all their pink trying to do ballet:)

Aubrey and I go to a little mom and tot preschool. Aubrey actually really likes it . They make cute bugs hat last week. It was a bug theme day. We even made Brayden a bug hat, but he just tried to eat it.

We are already excited for Valentines day here. Brynn and Aubrey love art projects. They love the holidays because they get to make fun holiday craft. Right now they are loving making Valentines card. (Brynn also loves being in pictures, and Aubrey doesn't).


KESLER KREW...Cami said...

Looks like you guys are staying as busy as ever - you are amazing Kami! Always luv to see how you are doing...I need to call you and catch up! Luv the other Cami

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Sounds like you guys are living it up in sunny San Diego!! Aren't we glad to not be in cold Idaho!? It's always fun to see what you guys are up to! I love the Valentine's dresses-so cute!

Peck Family said...

Kami! Email me your mailing address so I can send you your disc.\

hughes family said...

kami, the kids look so cute! love the ballet pics. isa is in ballet and LOVES it. i remember going to the mormon battalian museum thing there in SD. sounds like a fun event that day! i'm so glad you have some good friends to go out with. I agree, every day that jason has off, I consider it a day off for me!

Growinguptogether said...

Cute pics. I missed you girls in their dresses sooo cute. I like what you did to you site. Vicky

Stephanie Johnson said...

Your girls are soooo cute in their tutu's. I can't wait until Sofie can do that. I love the music and the new color scheme.

tj said...

Your family is so cute. We are excited to come and visit soon!

The Mathews Family said...

I am so lovin' the pink! I'm glad you got a "ME" day. You totally deserved it. I love the girls' dresses! SUPER cute and how cute are they in their little tutus?